This vignette is adapted from the official Armadillo documentation.
, mat
are classes for dense matrices, with elements stored
in column-major
ordering (e.g., column by column).
The root matrix class is Mat<type>
, where
is one of:
unsigned short
unsigned int
unsigned long
For convenience the following typedefs have been defined:
mat = Mat<double>
dmat = Mat<double>
fmat = Mat<float>
cx_mat = Mat<cx_double>
is a shortcut for std::complex<double>
)cx_dmat = Mat<cx_double>
cx_fmat = Mat<cx_float>
a shortcut for std::complex<float>
)umat = Mat<uword>
is a
shortcut for unsigned int
)imat = Mat<sword>
is a
shortcut for signed int
)The mat
type is used for convenience, and it is possible
to use other matrix types (e.g, fmat
, cx_mat
Matrix types with integer elements (such as umat
) cannot hold special values such as NaN and Inf.
Functions which use LAPACK (generally matrix decompositions) are only
valid for the following matrix types: mat
, fmat
, cx_mat
, cx_fmat
mat(n_rows, n_cols)
mat(n_rows, n_cols, fill_form)
(elements are
initialised according to fill_form
mat(size(X), fill_form)
(elements are initialised
according to fill_form
(treated as a column vector)mat(sp_mat)
(for converting a sparse matrix to a dense
(for constructing a complex matrix out
of two real matrices)The elements can be explicitly initialised during construction by
specifying fill_form
, which is one of:
set all elements to 0 (default in
set all elements to 1fill::eye
set the elements on the main diagonal to 1
and off-diagonal elements to 0fill::randu
set all elements to random values from a
uniform distribution in the [0,1] intervalfill::randn
set all elements to random values from a
normal distribution with zero mean and unit variancefill::value(scalar)
set all elements to specified
do not initialise the elements (matrix may
have garbage values)For the mat(string)
constructor, the format is elements
separated by spaces, and rows denoted by semicolons. For example, the
2x2 identity matrix can be created using "1 0; 0 1"
. Note
that string based initialisation is slower than directly setting the
elements or using element initialisation.
Each instance of mat
automatically allocates and
releases internal memory. All internally allocated memory used by an
instance of mat is automatically released as soon as the instance goes
out of scope. For example, if an instance of mat is declared inside a
function, it will be automatically destroyed at the end of the function.
To forcefully release memory at any point, use .reset()
Note that in normal use this is not required.
mat(ptr_aux_mem, n_rows, n_cols, copy_aux_mem = true, strict = false)
is a pointer to the memory. By
default the matrix allocates its own memory and copies data from the
auxiliary memory (for safety). However, if copy_aux_mem
set to false
, the matrix will instead directly use the
auxiliary memory (e.g., no copying). This is faster, but can be
dangerous unless you know what you are doing.strict
parameter comes into effect only when
copy_aux_mem is set to false
(e.g., the matrix is directly
using auxiliary memory).
is set to false
, the matrix
will use the auxiliary memory until a size change or an aliasing
is set to true
, the matrix
will be bound to the auxiliary memory for its lifetime. The number of
elements in the matrix cannot be changed.mat(const ptr_aux_mem, n_rows, n_cols)
is a pointer to the memorymat::fixed<n_rows, n_cols>
, imat
, mat
, cx_fmat
). The typedefs specify a square matrix size, ranging
from 2x2 to 9x9. The typedefs were defined by appending a two digit form
of the size to the matrix type. Examples: mat33
equivalent to mat::fixed<3,3>
, and
is equivalent to
.mat::fixed<n_rows, n_cols>(fill_form)
.mat::fixed<n_rows, n_cols>(const ptr_aux_mem)
[[cpp11::register]] doubles_matrix<> matrix1_(const doubles_matrix<>& a) {
mat A = as_Mat(a); // convert from R to C++
double x = A(0, 0); // access an element on row 1, column 1
A = A + x; // scalar addition
mat B = A + A; // matrix addition
mat C = A * B; // matrix multiplication
mat D = A % B; // element-wise matrix multiplication
mat res = B + C + D;
return as_doubles_matrix(res); // convert from C++ to R
[[cpp11::register]] list matrix2_(const doubles_matrix<>& a) {
mat A = as_Mat(a);
mat B = A + A;
cx_mat X(A,B); // construct a complex matrix out of two real matrices
B.zeros(); // set all elements to zero
B.set_size(A.n_rows, A.n_cols); // resize the matrix
B.ones(5, 6); // same as mat B(5, 6, fill::ones)
mat::fixed<5,6> F; // fixed size matrix
double aux_mem[24]; // auxiliary memory
mat H(&aux_mem[0], 4, 6, false); // use auxiliary memory
X = X + F.submat(0, 0, 4, 4) + H(1, 2)
Mat<double> res_real = real(X);
Mat<double> res_imag = imag(X);
writable::list res;
res.push_back({"real"_nm = as_doubles_matrix(res_real)});
res.push_back({"imag"_nm = as_doubles_matrix(res_imag)});
return res;
, vec
are classes for column vectors (dense matrices with
one column).
The Col<type>
class is derived from the
class and inherits most of the member
For convenience the following typedefs have been defined:
vec = colvec = Col<double>
dvec = dcolvec = Col<double>
fvec = fcolvec = Col<float>
cx_vec = cx_colvec = Col<[cx_double](#cx_double)>
cx_dvec = cx_dcolvec = Col<[cx_double](#cx_double)>
cx_fvec = cx_fcolvec = Col<[cx_float](#cx_double)>
uvec = ucolvec = Col<[uword](#uword)>
ivec = icolvec = Col<[sword](#uword)>
The vec
and colvec
types have the same
meaning and are used interchangeably.
The types vec
or colvec
are used for
convenience. It is possible to use other column vector types instead
(e.g., fvec
or fcolvec
Functions which take mat
as input can generally also
take Col
as input. Main exceptions are functions that
require square matrices.
vec(_n_elem, fill_form)
(elements are initialised
according to fill_form
vec(size(X), fill_form)
(elements are initialised
according to fill_form
exception is
thrown if the given matrix has more than one column)vec(initializer_list)
(elements separated by spaces)vec(std::vector)
(for constructing a complex vector out
of two real vectors)vec(ptr_aux_mem, number_of_elements, copy_aux_mem = true, strict = false)
, the vector will instead directly use the auxiliary
memory (e.g., no copying). This is faster, but can be dangerous unless
you know what you are doing.strict
parameter comes into effect only when
is set to false
(e.g., the vector
is directly using auxiliary memory).strict
is set to false
, the vector
will use the auxiliary memory until a size change or an aliasing
is set to true
, the vector
will be bound to the auxiliary memory for its lifetime. The number of
elements in the vector cannot be changed.vec(const ptr_aux_mem, number_of_elements)
: Create a
column vector by copying data from read-only auxiliary memory, where
ptr_aux_mem is a pointer to the memory.vec::fixed<number_of_elements>
, ivec
, vec
, cx_fvec
as well as the corresponding colvec
versions). The pre-defined typedefs specify vector sizes ranging from 2
to 9. The typedefs were defined by appending a single digit form of the
size to the vector type. Examples: vec3
is equivalent to
, and cx_vec4
is equivalent
to cx_vec::fixed<4>
: Create
a fixed size column vector, with the elements explicitly initialised
according to fill_form
.vec::fixed<number_of_elements>(const ptr_aux_mem)
Create a fixed size column vector, with the size specified via the
template argument. The data is copied from auxiliary memory, where
is a pointer to the memory.Row<type>
, rowvec
are classes for row vectors (dense matrices with
one row).
The template Row<type>
class is derived from the
class and inherits most of the member
For convenience the following typedefs have been defined:
rowvec = Row<double>
drowvec = Row<double>
frowvec = Row<float>
cx_rowvec = Row<cx_double>
cx_drowvec = Row<cx_double>
cx_frowvec = Row<cx_float>
urowvec = Row<uword>
irowvec = Row<sword>
The rowvec
type is used for convenience. It is possible
to use other row vector types instead (e.g., frowvec
Functions which take mat
as input can generally also
take Row
as input. Main exceptions are functions which
require square matrices.
rowvec(n_elem, fill_form)
(elements are initialised
according to fill_form
rowvec(size(X), fill_form)
(elements are initialised
according to fill_form
exception is
thrown if the given matrix has more than one row)rowvec(initializer_list)
(elements separated by spaces)rowvec(std::vector)
(for constructing a complex
row vector out of two real row vectors)rowvec(ptr_aux_mem, number_of_elements, copy_aux_mem = true, strict = false)
, the vector will instead directly use the auxiliary
memory (e.g., no copying); this is faster, but can be dangerous unless
you know what you are doing.strict
parameter comes into effect only when
copy_aux_mem is set to false
(e.g., the vector is directly
using auxiliary memory).
is set to false
, the vector
will use the auxiliary memory until a size change or an aliasing
is set to true
, the vector
will be bound to the auxiliary memory for its lifetime. The number of
elements in the vector cannot be changed.rowvec(const ptr_aux_mem, number_of_elements)
is a pointer to the memory.rowvec::fixed<number_of_elements>
, frowvec
, rowvec
, cx_rowvec
). The pre-defined
typedefs specify vector sizes ranging from 2 to 9. The typedefs were
defined by appending a single digit form of the size to the vector type.
Examples: rowvec3
is equivalent to
, and cx_rowvec4
equivalent to cx_rowvec::fixed<4>
.rowvec::fixed<number_of_elements>(const ptr_aux_mem)
is a pointer to the memory.⚠️Important⚠️: ‘cpp11armadillo’ is an opinionated package and it follows the notation from Econometrics by Bruce E. Hansen. It intentionally exports/imports matrices and column vectors. You can use row vectors in the functions, but the communication between R and C++ does not accept row vectors unless you transpose or convert those to matrices.
[[cpp11::register]] doubles row1_(const doubles& x, const doubles& y) {
vec X = as_Col(x); // convert from R to C++
vec Y = as_Col(y);
mat A(10, 10, fill::randu);
rowvec Z = A.row(5); // extract a row vector
Z = Z + Y.t() + X.t(); // transpose Y and X to be able to sum
vec res = Z.t();
return as_doubles(res); // convert from C++ to R
, cube
are classes for cubes, also known as quasi 3rd
order tensors or “3D matrices”.
The data is stored as a set of slices (matrices) stored contiguously within memory. Within each slice, elements are stored with column-major ordering (e.g., column by column)
The root cube class is Cube<type>
, where
is one of: float
, double
, short
, long
and unsigned versions of
, int
, long
For convenience the following typedefs have been defined:
cube = Cube<double>
dcube = Cube<double>
fcube = Cube<float>
cx_cube = Cube<cx_double>
cx_dcube = Cube<cx_double>
cx_fcube = Cube<cx_float>
ucube = Cube<uword>
icube = Cube<sword>
The cube
type is used for convenience. It is possible to
use other types instead (e.g., fcube
Each cube slice can be interpreted as a matrix, hence functions which
take Mat
as input can generally also take cube slices as
cube(n_rows, n_cols, n_slices_)
cube(n_rows, n_cols, n_slices, fill_form)
(elements are
initialised according to fill_form
cube(size(X), fill_form)
(elements are initialised
according to fill_form
cx_cube(cube, cube)
(for constructing a complex cube
out of two real cubes)The elements can be explicitly initialised during construction by
specifying fill_form
, which is one of:
: set all elements to 0 (default in
: set all elements to 1fill::randu
: set all elements to random values from a
uniform distribution in the [0,1] intervalfill::randn
: set all elements to random values from a
normal distribution with zero mean and unit variancefill::value(scalar)
: set all elements to specified
: do not initialise the elements (cube may
have garbage values)Each instance of cube
automatically allocates and
releases internal memory. All internally allocated memory used by an
instance of cube
is automatically released as soon as the
instance goes out of scope. For example, if an instance of
is declared inside a function, it will be
automatically destroyed at the end of the function. To forcefully
release memory at any point, use .reset()
note that in
normal use this is not required.
cube::fixed<n_rows, n_cols, n_slices>
: Create a
fixed size cube, with the size specified via template arguments. Memory
for the cube is reserved at compile time. This is generally faster than
dynamic memory allocation, but the size of the cube cannot be changed
afterwards (directly or indirectly).cube(ptr_aux_mem, n_rows, n_cols, n_slices, copy_aux_mem = true, strict = false)
is a pointer to the memory. By default
the cube allocates its own memory and copies data from the auxiliary
memory (for safety). However, if copy_aux_mem
is set to
, the cube will instead directly use the auxiliary
memory (e.g., no copying). This is faster, but can be dangerous unless
you know what you are doing.strict
parameter comes into effect only when
is set to false
(e.g., the cube
is directly using auxiliary memory).strict
is set to false
, the cube will
use the auxiliary memory until a size change or an aliasing event.strict
is set to true
, the cube will
be bound to the auxiliary memory for its lifetime. The number of
elements in the cube cannot be changed.cube(const ptr_aux_mem, n_rows, n_cols, n_slices)
Create a cube by copying data from read-only auxiliary memory, where
is a pointer to the memory.[[cpp11::register]] doubles_matrix<> cube1_(const doubles_matrix<>& a,
const doubles_matrix<>& b) {
mat A = as_Mat(a); // convert from R to C++
mat B = as_Mat(b);
cube X(A.n_rows, A.n_cols, 2); // create a cube with 2 slices
X.slice(0) = A; // copy A into first slice
X.slice(1) = B; // copy B into second slice
cube Y = X + X; // cube addition
cube Z = X % X; // element-wise cube multiplication
mat res = Y.slice(0) + Z.slice(1);
return as_doubles_matrix(res); // convert from C++ to R
The size of individual slices cannot be changed. The following will not work:
is a class for storing
arbitrary objects in matrix-like or cube-like layouts.
It is similar to a matrix or cube, but instead of each element being a scalar, each element can be a vector, or matrix, or cube. This is similar to a list in R.
Each element can have an arbitrary size (e.g., in a field of matrices, each matrix can have a unique size).
is another class (e.g., vec
, std::string
, etc)
field<object_type>(n_rows, n_cols)
field<object_type>(n_rows, n_cols, n_slices)
[[cpp11::register]] doubles_matrix<> field1_(const doubles_matrix<>& a,
const doubles_matrix<>& b) {
mat A = as_Mat(a); // convert from R to C++
mat B = as_Mat(b);
field<mat> F(A.n_rows, A.n_cols, 3); // create a field with 2 matrices
F(0) = A; // copy A into first location
F(1) = B; // copy B into second location
F(2) = F(0) + F(1); // matrix addition
mat res = F(0) + F(1) + F(2).t();
return as_doubles_matrix(res); // convert from C++ to R
To store a set of matrices of the same size, the Cube
class is more efficient.
Function/Variable | Description |
.n_rows |
number of rows |
.n_cols |
number of columns |
.n_elem |
number of elements |
.n_slices |
number of slices |
() |
element access |
[] |
element access |
.at() |
element access |
.zeros |
set all elements to zero |
.ones |
set all elements to one |
.eye |
set elements along main diagonal to one and off-diagonal elements to zero |
.randu |
set all elements to random values from a uniform distribution |
.randn |
set all elements to random values from a normal distribution |
.fill |
set all elements to specified value |
.imbue |
imbue (fill) with values provided by functor or lambda function |
.clean |
replace elements below a threshold with zeros |
.replace |
replace specific elements with a new value |
.clamp |
clamp values to lower and upper limits |
.transform |
transform each element via functor or lambda function |
.for_each |
apply a functor or lambda function to each element |
.set_size |
change size without keeping elements (fast) |
.reshape |
change size while keeping elements |
.resize |
change size while keeping elements and preserving layout |
.copy_size |
change size to be same as given object |
.reset |
change size to empty |
.diag |
read/write access to matrix diagonals |
.each_col |
vector operations applied to each column of matrix (aka “broadcasting”) |
.each_row |
vector operations applied to each row of matrix (aka “broadcasting”) |
.each_slice |
matrix operations applied to each slice of cube (aka “broadcasting”) |
.set_imag |
set imaginary part |
.set_real |
set real part |
.insert_rows |
insert vector/matrix/cube at specified row |
.insert_cols |
insert vector/matrix/cube at specified column |
.insert_slices |
insert vector/matrix/cube at specified slice |
.shed_rows |
remove specified rows |
.shed_cols |
remove specified columns |
.shed_slices |
remove specified slices |
.swap_rows |
swap specified rows |
.swap_cols |
swap specified columns |
.swap |
swap contents with given object |
.memptr |
raw pointer to memory |
.colptr |
raw pointer to memory used by specified column |
.as_col |
return flattened matrix column as column vector |
.as_row |
return flattened matrix row as row vector |
.col_as_mat |
return matrix representation of cube column |
.row_as_mat |
return matrix representation of cube row |
.as_dense |
return dense vector/matrix representation of sparse matrix expression |
.t |
return matrix transpose |
.st |
return matrix conjugate transpose |
.i |
return inverse of square matrix |
.min |
return minimum value |
.max |
return maximum value |
.index_min |
return index of minimum value |
.index_max |
return index of maximum value |
.eval |
force evaluation of delayed expression |
.in_range |
check whether given location or span is valid |
.is_empty |
check whether object is empty |
.is_vec |
check whether matrix is a vector |
.is_sorted |
check whether vector or matrix is sorted |
.is_trimatu |
check whether matrix is upper triangular |
.is_trimatl |
check whether matrix is lower triangular |
.is_diagmat |
check whether matrix is diagonal |
.is_square |
check whether matrix is square sized |
.is_symmetric |
check whether matrix is symmetric |
.is_hermitian |
check whether matrix is hermitian |
.is_sympd |
check whether matrix is symmetric/hermitian positive definite |
.is_zero |
check whether all elements are zero |
.is_finite |
check whether all elements are finite |
.has_inf |
check whether any element is +/- infinity |
.has_nan |
check whether any element is NaN |
provides information for different objects:
number of rows for Mat
, Row
, Cube
, and SpMat
number of columns for Mat
, Row
, Cube
, and SpMat
total number of elements for Mat
, Row
, Cube
, and SpMat
number of slices for Cube
number of non-zero elements for
.For the Col
and Row
also indicates vector length.
The variables are read-only and of type uword
. To change
the size, use set_size
, copy_size
, ones_member
, or
To avoid compiler warnings about implicit conversion when operating
with integers
pass data to R, converte uword
to int
or declare these as
[[cpp11::register]] integers attr1_(const doubles_matrix<>& a) {
mat A = as_Mat(a); // convert from R to C++
// uword or int can be used
int n_rows = A.n_rows; // number of rows
int n_cols = A.n_cols; // number of columns
int n_elem = A.n_elem; // number of elements
writable::integers res({n_rows, n_cols, n_elem});
res.attr("names") = strings({"n_rows", "n_cols", "n_elem"});
return res;
Provide access to individual elements or objects stored in a
container object (e.g., Mat
, Col
, Cube
, field
For vec
and rowvec
access the element stored at index i
. For Mat
and field
, access the element/object
stored at index i
under the assumption of a flat layout,
with column-major ordering of data (e.g., column by column). An
exception is thrown if the requested element is out of
or [i]
As for (i)
, but
without a bounds check. Not recommended.(r,c)
For Mat
and 2D field classes, access
the element/object stored at row r
and column
. An exception is thrown if the requested element is out
As for (r,c)
, but without a
bounds check. Not recommended.(r,c,s)
For Cube
and 3D field classes,
access the element/object stored at row r
, column
, and slice s
. An exception is thrown if the
requested element is out of,c,s)
As for (r,c,s)
, but without a
bounds check. Not recommended.[[cpp11::register]] doubles_matrix<> access1_(const doubles_matrix<>& a) {
mat A = as_Mat(a); // convert from R to C++
A(1,1) = 123.0; // set element at row 2, column 2
vec B(2, fill::randu);
double x = A(0,1); // copy element at row 1, column 2 to a double
double y = B(1); // copy element at coordinate 2 to a double
uword i, j; // int also works
uword N = A.n_rows;
uword M = A.n_cols;
for(i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
for(j = 0; j < M; ++j) {
A(i,j) = A(i,j) + x + y;
return as_doubles_matrix(A); // convert from C++ to R
For .at()
or [i]
, .at(r,c)
and [r,c,s]
does not work correctly in C++; instead use (r,c)
The indices of elements are specified via the uword
type, which is a typedef
for an unsigned integer type. When
using loops to access elements, it more efficient to use
instead of int
Set elements in Mat
, Col
via braced initialiser lists.
[[cpp11::register]] doubles_matrix<> initialization1_(const doubles_matrix<>& a) {
mat A = as_Mat(a); // convert from R to C++
mat B = {{1, 2}, {3, 4}}; // create new matrix
vec C = {1, 2}; // create new column vector
// sum C to the diagonal of A
A(0,0) = A(0,0) + C(0);
A(1,1) = A(1,1) + C(1);
mat D = A + B;
return as_doubles_matrix(D); // convert from C++ to R
Set the elements of an object to zero, optionally first changing the size to specified dimensions.
(member function of Mat
, Row
, SpMat
) .zeros(n_elem)
(member function of
and Row
.zeros(n_rows, n_cols)
(member function of Mat
and SpMat
) .zeros(n_rows, n_cols, n_slices)
(member function of Cube
) .zeros(size(X))
(member function of Mat
, Col
, Cube
, SpMat
[[cpp11::register]] doubles_matrix<> zeros1_(const doubles_matrix<>& a) {
mat A = as_Mat(a); // convert from R to C++
A.zeros(); // set all elements to zero
mat B;
B.zeros(size(A)); // set size to be the same as A and set all elements to zero
mat C(A.n_rows, A.n_cols, fill::zeros);
mat D = A + B + C;
return as_doubles_matrix(D); // convert from C++ to R
Set all the elements of an object to one, optionally first changing the size to specified dimensions.
Function | Mat | Col | Row | Cube |
.ones() |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
.ones(n_elem) |
✓ | ✓ | ||
.ones(n_rows, n_cols) |
✓ | |||
.ones(n_rows, n_cols, n_slices) |
✓ | |||
.ones(size(X)) |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
[[cpp11::register]] doubles_matrix<> ones1_(const doubles_matrix<>& a) {
mat A = as_Mat(a); // convert from R to C++
A.ones(); // set all elements to zero
mat B;
B.ones(size(A)); // set size to be the same as A and set all elements to zero
mat C(A.n_rows, A.n_cols, fill::ones);
mat D = A + B + C;
return as_doubles_matrix(D); // convert from C++ to R
is member function of Mat
. .eye(n_rows, n_cols)
sets the elements
along the main diagonal to one and off-diagonal elements to zero,
optionally first changing the size to specified dimensions.
creates an identity matrix is generated when
n_rows = n_cols
[[cpp11::register]] doubles_matrix<> eye1_(const doubles_matrix<>& a) {
mat A = as_Mat(a); // convert from R to C++
A.eye(); // create an identity matrix
mat B;
B.eye(size(A)); // another identity matrix
uword N = A.n_rows;
uword M = A.n_cols;
mat C(N, M, fill::randu);
C.eye(N, M); // yet another identity matrix
mat D = A + B + C;
return as_doubles_matrix(D); // convert from C++ to R
Set all the elements to random values from a uniform distribution in the [0,1] interval, optionally first changing the size to specified dimensions.
For complex elements, the real and imaginary parts are treated separately.
Function/Method | Mat | Col | Row | Cube |
.randu() |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
.randu(n_elem) |
✓ | ✓ | ||
.randu(n_rows, n_cols) |
✓ | |||
.randu(n_rows, n_cols, n_slices) |
✓ | |||
.randu(size(X)) |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
[[cpp11::register]] doubles_matrix<> randu1_(const doubles_matrix<>& a) {
mat A = as_Mat(a); // convert from R to C++
mat B;
B.randu(size(A)); // random uniform matrix with the same size as A
mat C(A.n_rows, A.n_cols, fill::randu);
mat D = A + B + C;
return as_doubles_matrix(D); // convert from C++ to R
[[cpp11::register]] doubles_matrix<> randu2_(const int& n) {
GetRNGstate(); // Ensure R's RNG state is synchronized
mat y(n, n);
::arma_rng::randu<double>::fill(y.memptr(), y.n_elem);
return as_doubles_matrix(y);
Set all the elements to random values from a normal distribution with zero mean and unit variance, optionally first changing the size to specified dimensions.
For complex elements, the real and imaginary parts are treated separately.
Function/Method | Mat | Col | Row | Cube |
.randn() |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
.randn(n_elem) |
✓ | ✓ | ||
.randn(n_rows, n_cols) |
✓ | |||
.randn(n_rows, n_cols, n_slices) |
✓ | |||
.randn(size(X)) |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
[[cpp11::register]] doubles_matrix<> randn1_(const doubles_matrix<>& a) {
mat A = as_Mat(a); // convert from R to C++
mat B;
B.randn(size(A)); // random normal matrix with the same size as A
mat C(A.n_rows, A.n_cols, fill::randn);
mat D = A + B + C;
return as_doubles_matrix(D); // convert from C++ to R
[[cpp11::register]] doubles_matrix<> randn2_(const int& n) {
GetRNGstate(); // Ensure R's RNG state is synchronized
mat y(n, n);
::arma_rng::randn<double>::fill(y.memptr(), y.n_elem);
return as_doubles_matrix(y);
Sets the elements to a specified value
is a member function of Mat
, Row
, Cube
The type of value must match the type of elements used by the
container object (e.g., for Mat
the type is
[[cpp11::register]] doubles_matrix<> fill1_(const doubles_matrix<>& a) {
mat A = as_Mat(a); // convert from R to C++
uword N = A.n_rows;
uword M = A.n_cols;
mat B(size(A), fill::value(200.0)); // create a matrix filled with 200.0
mat C(N, M, fill::value(100.0)); // matrix filled with 100.0
mat D(N, M, fill::zeros); // matrix filled with zeros
mat E(N, M, fill::ones); // matrix filled with ones
mat F = A + B + C + D + E;
return as_doubles_matrix(F); // convert from C++ to R
is a member function of
, Col
, Row
, it fills the elements with values provided by a
functor. The argument can be a functor or lambda function.
For matrices, filling is done column-by-column (e.g., column 0 is filled, then column 1, etc.)
For cubes, filling is done slice-by-slice, with each slice treated as a matrix
[[cpp11::register]] doubles_matrix<> imbue1_(const doubles_matrix<>& a) {
mat A = as_Mat(a); // convert from R to C++
std::mt19937 engine; // Mersenne twister random number engine
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> distr(0.0, 1.0);
mat B(size(A), fill::none); // create an empty matrix
B.imbue([&]() { return distr(engine); }); // fill with random values
mat C = A + B;
return as_doubles_matrix(C); // convert from C++ to R
[[cpp11::register]] doubles_matrix<> imbue2_(const doubles_matrix<>& a) {
GetRNGstate(); // Ensure R's RNG state is synchronized
mat A = as_Mat(a); // Convert from R to C++
mat B(size(A), fill::none); // Create an empty matrix
B.imbue([]() { return unif_rand(); }); // Fill with random values
mat C = A + B;
return as_doubles_matrix(C); // Convert from C++ to R
is a member function of
, Col
, Row
, Cube
and SpMat
. It can be used to sparsify a matrix, in the
sense of zeroing values with small magnitudes.
[[cpp11::register]] doubles_matrix<> clean1_(const int& n) {
mat A(n, n, fill::randu); // create a random matrix
A(0, 0) = datum::eps; // set the diagonal with small values (+/- epsilon)
A(1, 1) = -datum::eps;
A.clean(datum::eps); // set elements with small values to zero
return as_doubles_matrix(A); // Convert from C++ to R
To explicitly convert from dense storage to sparse storage, use the
.replace( old_value, new_value )
is a member function of
, Col
, Row
, Cube
and SpMat
For all elements equal to old_value
, set them to
and new_value
match the type of elements used by the container object (e.g., for
the type is double
and double
are approximations due to their limited
), replacement is not done
when old_value = 0
..clamp(min_value, max_value)
is a member function of
, Col
, Row
, Cube
and SpMat
that transforms all values lower than
to min_val
, and all values higher than
to max_val
is a member function of
, Col
, Row
, Cube
and SpMat
. The argument can be a functor or lambda
is a member function of
, Col
, Row
, Cube
, and field
. The argument can be a
functor or lambda function.
[[cpp11::register]] doubles_matrix<> for_each1_(const int& n) {
// add 122 to each element in a dense matrix, the '&' is important
mat D(n, n, fill::ones);
D.for_each([](mat::elem_type& val) { val += 122.0; });
// add 122 to each non-zero element in a sparse matrix
sp_mat S;
S.sprandu(n, n, 1.0);
S.for_each([](sp_mat::elem_type& val) { val += 123.0; });
// set the size of all matrices in a field
field<mat> F(2, 2);
F.for_each([n](mat& X) { X.zeros(n, n); }); // capture n for the lambda
mat res = D + S + F(0) + F(1);
return as_doubles_matrix(res); // Convert from C++ to R
Change the size of an object, without explicitly preserving data and
without initialising the elements (e.g., elements may contain garbage
values, including NaN
(member function of Col
, field
).set_size(n_rows, n_cols)
(member function of
, SpMat
, field
).set_size(n_rows, n_cols, n_slices)
(member function of
and field
(member function of
, Col
, Row
, Cube
, field
)To initialise the elements to zero while changing the size, use
instead. To explicitly preserve data while
changing the size, use .reshape()
or .resize()
[[cpp11::register]] doubles set_size1_(const int& n) {
mat A;
A.set_size(n, n); // or: mat A(n, n, fill::none);
mat B;
B.set_size(size(A)); // or: mat B(size(A), fill::none);
vec C;
C.set_size(n); // or: vec v(n, fill::none);
A.fill(1.0); // set all elements to 1.0
B.fill(2.0); // set all elements to 2.0
C.fill(3.0); // set all elements to 3.0
vec res = A.col(0) + B.col(1) + C;
return as_doubles(res); // Convert from C++ to R
Recreate an object according to given size specifications, with the elements taken from the previous version of the object in a column-wise manner. The elements in the generated object are placed column-wise (e.g., the first column is filled up before filling the second column)
.reshape(n_rows, n_cols)
(member function of
and SpMat
).reshape(n_rows, n_cols, n_slices)
(member function of
(member function of Mat
, SpMat
)The layout of the elements in the recreated object will be different to the layout in the previous version of the object
If the total number of elements in the previous version of the object is less than the specified size, the extra elements in the recreated object are set to zero
If the total number of elements in the previous version of the object is greater than the specified size, only a subset of the elements is taken
is considerably slower than
.Resize an object according to given size specifications, while preserving the elements and the layout of the elements. It can be used for growing or shrinking an object (e.g., adding/removing rows, and/or columns, and/or slices).
: member function of Col
..resize(n_rows, n_cols)
: member function of
and SpMat
..resize(n_rows, n_cols, n_slices)
: member function of
: member function of Mat
, Row
, Cube
is considerably slower than
sets the size of a matrix/vector/cube to
be the same as matrix/vector/cube A
To set the size of an object B
, A
must be
of the same type as B
. For example, the size of a matrix
cannot be set by providing a cube.
sets a matrix/vector size to zero (the object
will have no elements).
A collection of member functions of Mat
and Row
classes that provide read/write
access to submatrix views.
X.cols(first_col, last_col)
X.rows(first_row, last_row)
X.submat(first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col)
X(span(first_row, last_row), span(first_col, last_col))
X(first_row, first_col, size(n_rows, n_cols))
X(first_row, first_col, size(Y))
is a
matrix)X(span(first_row, last_row), col_number)
X(row_number, span(first_col, last_col))
(use with caution)Y(span(first_index, last_index))
Y.subvec(first_index, last_index)
Y.subvec(first_index, size(X))
is a
X.submat(vector_of_row_indices, vector_of_column_indices)
X(vector_of_row_indices, vector_of_column_indices)
Instances of span(start, end)
can be replaced by
to indicate the entire range.
For functions requiring one or more vector of indices, for example
X.submat(vector_of_row_indices, vector_of_column_indices)
each vector of indices must be of type uvec
In the function X.elem(vector_of_indices)
, elements
specified in vector_of_indices
are accessed. X
is interpreted as one long vector, with column-by-column ordering of the
elements of X
. The vector_of_indices
evaluate to a vector of type uvec
(e.g., generated by the
function). The aggregate set of the specified
elements is treated as a column vector (e.g., the output of
is always a column vector).
The function .unsafe_col()
is provided for speed reasons
and should be used only if you know what you are doing. It creates a
seemingly independent Col
vector object (e.g.,
), but uses memory from the existing matrix object. As
such, the created vector is not alias safe, and does not take into
account that the underlying matrix memory could be freed (e.g., due to
any operation involving a size change of the matrix).
[[cpp11::register]] doubles_matrix<> subview1_(const int& n) {
mat A(n, n, fill::zeros);
A.submat(0,1,2,3) = randu<mat>(3,3);
A(span(0,2), span(1,3)) = randu<mat>(3,3);
A(0,1, size(3,3)) = randu<mat>(3,3);
mat B = A.submat(0,1,2,3);
mat C = A(span(0,2), span(1,3) );
mat D = A(0, 1, size(3,3) );
A.col(1) = randu<mat>(5,1);
A(span::all, 1) = randu<mat>(5,1);
mat X(5, 5, fill::randu);
// get all elements of X that are greater than 0.5
vec q = X.elem( find(X > 0.5) );
// add 123 to all elements of X greater than 0.5
X.elem( find(X > 0.5) ) += 123.0;
// set four specific elements of X to 1
uvec indices = { 2, 3, 6, 8 };
X.elem(indices) = ones<vec>(4);
// add 123 to the last 5 elements of vector a
vec a(10, fill::randu);
a.tail(5) += 123.0;
// add 123 to the first 3 elements of column 2 of X
X.col(2).head(3) += 123;
return as_doubles_matrix(X); // Convert from C++ to R
A collection of member functions of the Cube
class that
provide subcube views.
Q.slices(first_slice, last_slice)
Q.rows(first_row, last_row)
Q.cols(first_col, last_col)
Q.subcube( first_row, first_col, first_slice, last_row, last_col, last_slice)
Q(span(first_row, last_row), span(first_col, last_col), span(first_slice, last_slice))
Q(first_row, first_col, first_slice, size(n_rows, n_cols, n_slices))
Q(first_row, first_col, first_slice, size(R))
is a cube)Q.head_slices(number_of_slices)
Q.tail_slices(number_of_slices), col), first_col, last_row, last_col), last_row), span(first_col, last_col)), first_col, size(n_rows, n_cols))
, and
Q.slices( vector_of_slice_indices)
are instances of
that can be replaced by:
or span::all
, to indicate the
entire range.span(a)
, to indicate a particular row, column or
slice.An individual slice, accessed via .slice()
, is an
instance of the Mat
class (a reference to a matrix is
All .tube()
forms are variants of
, using first_slice = 0
last_slice = Q.n_slices-1
. The .tube(row,col)
form uses row = first_row = last_row
, and
col = first_col = last_col
In the function Q.elem(vector_of_indices)
, elements
specified in vector_of_indices
are accessed. Q
is interpreted as one long vector, with slice-by-slice and
column-by-column ordering of the elements of Q
. The
must evaluate to a vector of type
(e.g., generated by the find()
The aggregate set of the specified elements is treated as a column
vector (e.g., the output of Q.elem()
is always a column
In the function Q.slices(vector_of_slice_indices)
slices specified in vector_of_slice_indices
are accessed.
The vector_of_slice_indices
must evaluate to a vector of
type uvec
[[cpp11::register]] doubles_matrix<> subview2_(const int& n) {
cube A(n, 3, 4, fill::randu);
mat B = A.slice(1); // each slice is a matrix
A.slice(0) = randu<mat>(2,3);
A.slice(0)(1,2) = 99.0;
A.subcube(0,0,1, 1,1,2) = randu<cube>(2,2,2);
A(span(0,1), span(0,1), span(1,2)) = randu<cube>(2,2,2);
A(0,0,1, size(2,2,2)) = randu<cube>(2,2,2);
// add 123 to all elements of A greater than 0.5
A.elem( find(A > 0.5) ) += 123.0;
cube C = A.head_slices(2); // get first two slices
A.head_slices(2) += 123.0;
mat res = A.slice(0) + B + C.slice(1);
return as_doubles_matrix(res); // Convert from C++ to R
A collection of member functions of the field
class that
provide subfield views.
For a 2D field F
, the subfields are accessed as:
F.rows(first_row, last_row)
F.cols(first_col, last_col)
F.subfield(first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col)
F(span(first_row, last_row), span(first_col, last_col))
F(first_row, first_col, size(G))
is a
2D field)F(first_row, first_col, size(n_rows, n_cols))
For a 3D field F
, the subfields are accessed as:
F.slices(first_slice, last_slice)
F.subfield(first_row, first_col, first_slice, last_row, last_col, last_slice)
F(span(first_row, last_row), span(first_col, last_col), span(first_slice, last_slice))
F(first_row, first_col, first_slice, size(G))
is a 3D field)F(first_row, first_col, first_slice, size(n_rows, n_cols, n_slices))
Instances of span(a,b)
can be replaced by:
or span::all
, to indicate the
entire range.span(a)
, to indicate a particular row or column..diag()
is a member functions of Mat
with read/write access to the diagonal in a matrix.
The argument can be empty or a value k
to specify the
diagonal to (k = 0
by default). The diagonal is interpreted
as a column vector within expressions.
k = 0
indicates the main diagonal (default
setting)k < 0
indicates the k
-th sub-diagonal
(below main diagonal, towards bottom-left corner)k > 0
indicates the k
-th super-diagonal
(above main diagonal, towards top-right corner)[[cpp11::register]] doubles diagonal1_(const int& n) {
mat X(n, n, fill::randu);
vec A = X.diag(); // extract the main diagonal
double B = accu(X.diag(1)); // sum of elements on the first upper diagonal
double C = accu(X.diag(-1)); // sum of elements on the first lower diagonal
X.diag() = randu<vec>(n);
X.diag() += A;
X.diag() /= B;
X.diag() *= C;
sp_mat S = sprandu<sp_mat>(n, n, 0.0);
vec v(S.diag()); // copy sparse diagonal to dense vector
v += X.diag();
return as_doubles(v); // Convert from C++ to R
To calculate only the diagonal elements of a compound expression, use
or diagmat()
is a member function of Mat
. It
applies a vector operation to each column of a matrix, and are similar
to “broadcasting” in Matlab/Octave. The argument can be empty, a vector
of indices, or a lambda function.
Operation | .each_col() |
.each_col(vector_of_indices) |
.each_col(lambda) |
+ addition |
✓ | ✓ | |
+= in-place addition |
✓ | ✓ | |
- subtraction |
✓ | ✓ | |
-= in-place subtraction |
✓ | ✓ | |
% element-wise multiplication |
✓ | ✓ | |
%= in-place element-wise multiplication |
✓ | ✓ | |
/ element-wise division |
✓ | ✓ | |
/= in-place element-wise division |
✓ | ✓ | |
= assignment (copy) |
✓ | ✓ | |
lambda (lambda function) |
✓ |
[[cpp11::register]] doubles_matrix<> each_col1_(const int& n) {
mat X(n, n + 1, fill::ones);
// create a vector with n elements ranging from 5 to 10
vec v = linspace<vec>(5, 10, n);
// in-place addition of v to each column vector of X
X.each_col() += v;
// generate Y by adding v to each column vector of X
mat Y = X.each_col() + v;
// subtract v from columns 1 and 2 of X
X.cols(0, 1).each_col() -= v;
uvec indices(2);
indices(0) = 1;
indices(1) = 2;
X.each_col(indices) = v; // copy v to columns 1 and 2 of X
// lambda function with non-const vector
X.each_col([](vec& a) { 2 * a; });
const mat& XX = X;
// lambda function with const vector
XX.each_col([](const vec& b) { 3 * b; });
mat res = X + Y + XX;
return as_doubles_matrix(res); // Convert from C++ to R
, .each_row(vector_of_indices)
are member functions of
. These apply a vector operation to each row of a
matrix, and are similar to “broadcasting” in Matlab/Octave.
supports the following operations:
in-place addition-
in-place subtraction%
element-wise multiplication%=
in-place element-wise multiplication/
element-wise division/=
in-place element-wise division=
assignment (copy).each_row(vector_of_indices)
supports the same
operations as form 1. The argument vector_of_indices
contains a list of indices of the rows to be used, and it must evaluate
to a vector of type uvec
applies the given
to each column vector. The function must accept
a reference to a Row
object with the same element type as
the underlying matrix.
[[cpp11::register]] doubles_matrix<> each_row1_(const int& n) {
mat X(n + 1, n, fill::ones);
// create a vector with n elements ranging from 5 to 10
rowvec v = linspace<rowvec>(5, 10, n);
// in-place addition of v to each rows vector of X
X.each_row() += v;
// generate Y by adding v to each rows vector of X
mat Y = X.each_row() + v;
// subtract v from rows 1 and 2 of X
X.rows(0, 1).each_row() -= v;
uvec indices(2);
indices(0) = 1;
indices(1) = 2;
X.each_row(indices) = v; // copy v to columns 1 and 2 of X
// lambda function with non-const vector
X.each_row([](rowvec& a) { a / 2; });
const mat& XX = X;
// lambda function with const vector
XX.each_row([](const rowvec& b) { b / 3; });
mat res = X + Y + XX;
return as_doubles_matrix(res); // Convert from C++ to R
is a member function of Cube
that applies a matrix operation to each slice of a cube, with each slice
treated as a matrix. It is similar to “broadcasting” in
Supported operations:
in-place addition-
in-place subtraction%
element-wise multiplication%=
in-place element-wise multiplication/
element-wise division/=
in-place element-wise division*
matrix multiplication*=
in-place matrix multiplication=
assignment (copy).each_slice(lambdaction)
and *=
(e.g., matrix multiplication)..each_slice(lambdaction, use_mp)
to each slice.Mat
with the same element type as the underlying cube.lambdaction
to each slice, as per form
is a bool to enable the use of
OpenMP for multi-threaded execution of lambdaction
multiple slices at the same time.lambdaction
must be thread-safe, e.g., it must not
write to variables outside of its scope.[[cpp11::register]] doubles_matrix<> each_slice1_(const int& n) {
cube C(n, n + 1, 6, fill::randu);
mat M = repmat(linspace<vec>(1, n, n), 1, n + 1);
C.each_slice() += M; // in-place addition of M to each slice of C
cube D = C.each_slice() + M; // generate D by adding M to each slice of C
// sum all slices of D into a single n x (n + 1) matrix
mat D_flat = sum(D, 2);
uvec indices(2);
indices(0) = 2;
indices(1) = 4;
C.each_slice(indices) = M; // copy M to slices 2 and 4 in C
C.each_slice([](mat& X) { X * 2.0; }); // lambda function with non-const matrix
mat C_flat = sum(C, 2);
const cube& CC = C;
CC.each_slice([](const mat& X) { X / 3.0; }); // lambda function with const matrix
mat CC_flat = sum(CC, 2);
mat res = C_flat + D_flat + CC_flat;
return as_doubles_matrix(res); // Convert from C++ to R
sets the real part of an object.
must have the same size as the recipient object.
To directly construct a complex matrix out of two real matrices, the following code is faster:
sets the imaginary part of an object.
must have the same size as the recipient object.
To directly construct a complex matrix out of two real matrices, the following code is faster:
is a member function of Mat
and Cube
. The arguments can be
colnumber, X
to indicate the column number and the matrix
to insert, or colnumber, number_of_cols
to indicate the
column number and the number of columns to insert.
The X
argument inserts a copy of X
at the
specified column. X
must have the same number of rows (and
slices) as the recipient object.
The number_of_cols
argument expands the object by
creating new columns that are set to zero.
[[cpp11::register]] doubles_matrix<> insert_columns1_(const int& n) {
mat A(n, n * 2, fill::randu);
mat B(n, n - 1, fill::ones);
// at column n - 1, insert a copy of B
// A will now have 3n - 1 columns
A.insert_cols(n - 1, B);
// at column 1, insert 2n zeroed columns
// B will now have 3n - 1 columns
B.insert_cols(1, n * 2);
mat res = A + B;
return as_doubles_matrix(res); // Convert from C++ to R
is a member function of Mat
and Cube
. The arguments can be
rownumber, X
to indicate the row number and the matrix to
insert, or rownumber, number_of_rows
to indicate the row
number and the number of rows to insert.
The X
argument inserts a copy of X
at the
specified column. X
must have the same number of columns
(and slices) as the recipient object.
The number_of_rows
argument expands the object by
creating new rows that are set to zero.
[[cpp11::register]] doubles_matrix<> insert_rows1_(const int& n) {
mat A(n * 2, n, fill::randu);
mat B(n - 1, n, fill::ones);
// at row n - 1, insert a copy of B
// A will now have 3n - 1 rows
A.insert_rows(n - 1, B);
// at row 1, insert 2n zeroed rows
// B will now have 3n - 1 columns
B.insert_rows(1, n * 2);
mat res = A + B;
return as_doubles_matrix(res); // Convert from C++ to R
is a member function of
. The arguments can be slice_number, X
indicate the slice number and the matrix to insert, or
slice_number, number_of_slices
to indicate the slice number
and the number of slices to insert.
The X
argument inserts a copy of X
at the
specified slice. X
must have the same number of columns and
rows as the recipient object.
The number_of_slices
argument expands the object by
creating new slices that are set to zero.
[[cpp11::register]] doubles_matrix<> insert_slices1_(const int& n) {
cube A(n, n, n * 2, fill::randu);
cube B(n, n, n - 1, fill::ones);
// At slice n - 1, insert a copy of B
// A will now have 3n - 1 slices
A.insert_slices(n - 1, B);
// At slice 1, insert 2n zeroed slices
// B will now have 3n - 1 slices
B.insert_slices(1, n * 2);
mat res = sum(A + B);
return as_doubles_matrix(res); // Convert from C++ to R
.shed_cols(first_row, last_row)
are member functions of
, Col
, SpMat
, and
. With a single scalar argument it remove the specified
column, and with two scalar arguments it removes the specified range of
is a member function of
and Col
. With a vector of indices it must
evaluate to a vector of type uvec
containing the indices of
the columns to remove.
[[cpp11::register]] doubles_matrix<> shed_columns1_(const int& n) {
mat A(n, n * 5, fill::randu);
// remove the first column
// remove columns 1 and 2
A.shed_cols(0, 1);
// remove columns 2 and 4
uvec indices(2);
indices(0) = 1;
indices(1) = 3;
return as_doubles_matrix(A); // Convert from C++ to R
.shed_rows(first_row, last_row)
are member functions of
, Col
, SpMat
, and
. With a single scalar argument it remove the specified
rows, and with two scalar arguments it removes the specified range of
is a member function of
and Row
. With a vector of indices it must
evaluate to a vector of type uvec
containing the indices of
the rows to remove.
[[cpp11::register]] doubles_matrix<> shed_rows1_(const int& n) {
mat A(n * 5, n, fill::randu);
// remove the first row
// remove rows 1 and 2
A.shed_rows(0, 1);
// remove rows 2 and 4
uvec indices(2);
indices(0) = 1;
indices(1) = 3;
return as_doubles_matrix(A); // Convert from C++ to R
is a member function of
. With a single scalar argument it remove the specified
slices, and with two scalar arguments it removes the specified range of
slices. With a vector of indices it must evaluate to a vector of type
containing the indices of the rows to remove. The
arguments can be slice_number
to indicate the slice number
to remove, first_slice, last_slice
to indicate the range of
slices to remove, or vector_of_indices
to indicate the
indices of the slices to remove.
[[cpp11::register]] doubles_matrix<> shed_slices1_(const int& n) {
cube A(n, n, n * 5, fill::randu);
// remove the first slice
// remove slices 1 and 2
A.shed_slices(0, 1);
// remove slices 2 and 4
uvec indices(2);
indices(0) = 1;
indices(1) = 3;
mat res = sum(A, 2);
return as_doubles_matrix(res); // Convert from C++ to R
.swap_cols( col1, col2 )
is a member functions of
, Col
, Row
, and
. It swaps the contents of the specified columns.
.swap_rows( col1, col2 )
is a member functions of
, Col
, Row
, and
. It swaps the contents of the specified rows.
.swap( X )
is a member function of Mat
, Row
, and Cube
. It swaps the
contents with object X
is a member function of Mat
, Row
, and Cube
. It obtains a
raw pointer to the memory used for storing elements. Data for matrices
is stored in a column-by-column order. Data for cubes is stored in a
slice-by-slice (matrix-by-matrix) order.
[[cpp11::register]] doubles_matrix<> memptr1_(const int& n) {
mat A(n, n, fill::randu);
const mat B(n, n, fill::randu);
double* A_mem = A.memptr();
const double* B_mem = B.memptr();
// alter A_mem
// B_mem is const, so it cannot be altered
for (int i = 0; i < n * n; ++i) {
A_mem[i] += 123.0 + B_mem[i];
return as_doubles_matrix(A); // Convert from C++ to R
.colptr( col_number )
is a member function of the
class that obtains a raw pointer to the memory used by
elements in the specified column.
instead.Iterators for traverse over all elements within the specified range.
These return the column/row/slice of an object as a uword
Dense matrices and vectors (Mat
, Col
, and
is an iterator referring to the first
is an iterator referring to the past the end
is an iterator referring to the
first element of the specified column..end_col(col_number)
is an iterator referring to the
past-the-end element of the specified column.begin_row(row_number)
is an iterator referring to the
first element of the specified row.end_row(row_number)
is an iterator referring to the
past-the-end element of the specified row.Cubes (Cube
is an iterator referring to the first
is an iterator referring to the past-the-end
iterator referring to the
first element of the specified slice.end_slice(slice_number)
iterator referring to the
past-the-end element of the specified slice.Sparse matrices (SpMat
is an iterator referring to the first
is an iterator referring to the past-the-end
is an iterator referring to the
first element of the specified column.end_col(col_number)
is an iterator referring to the
past-the-end element of the specified column.begin_row(row_number)
is an iterator referring to the
first element of the specified row.end_row(row_number)
is an iterator referring to the
past-the-end element of the specified row.Dense submatrices and subcubes (submatrix
span(row, col)
and span(row, col, slice)
can be used to specify the range of elements to iterate over.Dense matrices and vectors (Mat
, Col
, and
, vec::iterator
are random access iterators, for
read/write access to elements (which are stored column by column).mat::const_iterator
, vec::const_iterator
and rowvec::const_iterator
are random access iterators, for
read-only access to elements (which are stored column by column)mat::col_iterator
, vec::col_iterator
random access iterators, for
read/write access to the elements of specified columns.mat::const_col_iterator
are random access iterators, for
read-only access to the elements of specified columns.mat::row_iterator
is a bidirectional iterator, for
read/write access to the elements of specified rows.mat::const_row_iterator
is a bidirectional iterator,
for read-only access to the elements of specified rows.vec::row_iterator
and rowvec::row_iterator
are random access iterators, for read/write access to the elements of
specified rows.vec::const_row_iterator
are random access iterators, for
read-only access to the elements of specified rows.Cubes (Cube
is a random access iterator, for
read/write access to elements. The elements are ordered slice by slice;
the elements within each slice are ordered column by column.cube::const_iterator
is a random access iterator, for
read-only access to elements.cube::slice_iterator
is a random access iterator, for
read/write access to the elements of a particular slice. The elements
are ordered column by column.cube::const_slice_iterator
is a random access iterator,
for read-only access to the elements of a particular slice.Sparse matrices (SpMat
is a bidirectional iterator, for
read/write access to elements (which are stored column by column).sp_mat::const_iterator
is a bidirectional iterator, for
read-only access to elements (which are stored column by column).sp_mat::col_iterator
is a bidirectional iterator, for
read/write access to the elements of a specific column.sp_mat::const_col_iterator
is a bidirectional iterator,
for read-only access to the elements of a specific column.sp_mat::row_iterator
is a bidirectional iterator, for
read/write access to the elements of a specific row.sp_mat::const_row_iterator
is a bidirectional iterator,
for read-only access to the elements of a specific row.[[cpp11::register]] doubles_matrix<> iterators1_(const int& n) {
mat X(n, n + 1, fill::randu);
mat::iterator it = X.begin();
mat::iterator it_end = X.end();
for (; it != it_end; ++it) {
(*it) += 123.0;
mat::col_iterator col_it = X.begin_col(1); // start of column 1
mat::col_iterator col_it_end = X.end_col(n); // end of column n
for (; col_it != col_it_end; ++col_it) {
(*col_it) = 321.0;
return as_doubles_matrix(X); // Convert from C++ to R
[[cpp11::register]] doubles_matrix<> iterators2_(const int& n) {
cube X(n, n + 1, n + 2, fill::randu);
cube::iterator it = X.begin();
cube::iterator it_end = X.end();
for (; it != it_end; ++it) {
(*it) += 123.0;
cube::slice_iterator s_it = X.begin_slice(1); // start of slice 1
cube::slice_iterator s_it_end = X.end_slice(n); // end of slice n
for (; s_it != s_it_end; ++s_it) {
(*s_it) = 321.0;
mat res = sum(X, 2);
return as_doubles_matrix(res); // Convert from C++ to R
or .for_each()
instead of
and subcube
the iterators
are intended only to be used with range-based for loops. Any other use
is not supported. For example, the direct use of the
and .end()
functions, as well as the
underlying iterators types is not supported. The implementation of
submatrices and subcubes uses short-lived temporary objects that are
subject to automatic deletion, and as such are error-prone to handle
manually.Member functions for the Col
and Row
classes to mimic the functionality of containers in the C++ standard
accesses the first element in a vector..back()
accesses the last element in a vector.Member functions for the Col
, Row
, Cube
and SpMat
classes to
mimic the functionality of containers in the C++ standard library:
removes the elements from an object..empty()
returns true
if the object has no
elements and false
if the object has one or more
returns the total number of elements in an
is a member function of the Mat
class, it returns a flattened version of the matrix as a column vector.
Flattening is done by concatenating all columns.
is a member function of the Mat
class, it returns a flattened version of the matrix as a row vector.
Flattening is done by concatenating all rows.
Converting columns to rows is faster than converting rows to columns.
is a member function of the
class, it returns a matrix of the specified cube
column and the number of rows is preserved. Given a cube of size
R x C x S
, the resultant matrix size is
R x S
[[cpp11::register]] list col_as_mat1_(const int& n) {
cube C(n, n + 1, n + 2, fill::randu);
mat M = C.col_as_mat(0); // size n x (n + 1)
writable::list res(5);
res[0] = as_doubles_matrix(C.slice(0));
res[1] = as_doubles_matrix(C.slice(1));
res[2] = as_doubles_matrix(C.slice(2));
res[3] = as_doubles_matrix(C.slice(3));
res[4] = as_doubles_matrix(M);
res.attr("names") = strings({"slice0", "slice1", "slice2", "slice3",
return res;
is a member function of the
class, it returns a matrix of the specified cube row
and the number of columns is preserved. Given a cube of size
R x C x S
, the resultant matrix size is
S x C
[[cpp11::register]] list row_as_mat1_(const int& n) {
cube C(n, n + 1, n + 2, fill::randu);
mat M = C.row_as_mat(0); // size (n + 2) x (n + 1)
writable::list res(5);
res[0] = as_doubles_matrix(C.slice(0));
res[1] = as_doubles_matrix(C.slice(1));
res[2] = as_doubles_matrix(C.slice(2));
res[3] = as_doubles_matrix(C.slice(3));
res[4] = as_doubles_matrix(M);
res.attr("names") = strings({"slice0", "slice1", "slice2", "slice3",
return res;
is a member function of the
class, it avoids the construction of an intermediate
sparse matrix representation of the expression.
[[cpp11::register]] doubles as_dense1_(const int& n) {
sp_mat A;
A.sprandu(n, n, 0.1);
// extract column 1 of A directly into dense column vector
colvec c = A.col(0).as_dense();
// store the sum of each column of A directly in dense row vector
rowvec r = sum(A).as_dense();
return as_doubles(c + r.t());
is a member function of the Mat
and Row
classes, it returns a transposed
copy of the object. For real matrices, the transpose is a simple
transposition of the elements. For complex matrices, the transpose is a
Hermitian conjugate transposition of the elements (e.g., the signs of
the imaginary components are flipped).
is a member function of the SpMat
classe, it returns a transposed copy of the object. For real matrices,
it is not applicable. For complex matrices, the transpose is a simple
transposition of the elements (e.g., the signs of imaginary components
are not flipped).
is a member function of the Mat
it provides an inverse of the matrix. If the matrix is not square sized,
a std::logic_error
exception is thrown. If the matrix
appears to be singular, the output matrix is reset and a
exception is thrown.
.Z = inv(X) * Y
, solve()
can be faster and/or
more accurate..min()
and .max()
are member functions of
the Mat
, Col
, Row
, and
classes. These return the minimum and maximum values
of the object, respectively. For objects with complex numbers, absolute
values are used for comparison.
and .index_max()
are member
functions of the Mat
, Col
, Row
and Cube
classes. They return the linear index of the
minimum and maximum values of the object, respectively. For objects with
complex numbers, absolute values are used for comparison. The returned
index is of type uword
[[cpp11::register]] doubles index_maxmin1_(const int& n) {
mat A = randu<mat>(n, n);
writable::doubles res(6);
res[0] = static_cast<int>(A.index_max());
res[1] = static_cast<int>(A.index_min());
res[2] = A(0, 0);
res[3] = A(1, 0);
res[4] = A(0, 1);
res[5] = A(1, 1);
res.attr("names") = strings({"index_max", "index_min", "element0", "element1",
"element2", "element3"});
return res;
.in_range(** i **)
is a member function of
, Col
, Row
, Cube
and field
, it returns true
if the given location or span is currently valid and false
if the object is empty, the location is out of bounds, or the span is
out of bounds.
Function | Mat | Col | Row | Cube | SpMat | Field |
.in_range(span(start, end)) |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
.in_range(row, col) |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
.in_range(span(start_row, end_row), span(start_col, end_col)) |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |
.in_range(row, col, slice) |
✓ | ✓ | ||||
.in_range(span(start_row, end_row), span(start_col, end_col), span(start_slice, end_slice)) |
✓ | ✓ | ||||
.in_range(first_row, first_col, size(X))
(X is a matrix or field) |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |
.in_range(first_row, first_col, size(n_rows, n_cols)) |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |
.in_range(first_row, first_col, first_slice, size(Q))
(Q is a cube or field) |
✓ | ✓ | ||||
.in_range(first_row, first_col, first_slice, size(n_rows, n_cols, n_slices)) |
✓ | ✓ |
Instances of span(a,b)
can be replaced by:
or span::all
to indicate the entire
to indicate a particular row, column, or
is a member function of the
, Col
, Row
, Cube
, and field
classes. It returns
if the object has no elements and false
if the object has one or more elements.
, .is_colvec()
are member functions of Mat
returns true
if the matrix can
be interpreted as a vector (either column or row vector) and
returns true
if the matrix
can be interpreted as a column vector and false
returns true
if the matrix
can be interpreted as a row vector and false
otherwise.[[cpp11::register]] logicals is_vec1_(const int& n) {
mat A(n, 1, fill::randu);
mat B(1, n, fill::randu);
mat C(0, 1, fill::randu);
mat D(1, 0, fill::randu);
writable::logicals res(5);
res[0] = A.is_vec();
res[1] = A.is_colvec();
res[2] = B.is_rowvec();
res[3] = C.is_colvec();
res[4] = D.is_rowvec();
res.attr("names") = strings({"Nx1_is_vec", "Nx1_is_colvec", "1xN_is_rowvec",
"0x1_is_colvec", "1x0_is_rowvec"});
return res;
Do not assume that the vector has elements if these functions return
. It is possible to have an empty vector (e.g., 0x1 as
in the examples).
, .is_sorted(sort_direction)
and .is_sorted(sort_direction, dim)
are member function of
, Row
, and Col
. For matrices
and vectors with complex numbers, order is checked via absolute
If the object is a vector, these return a bool
indicating whether the elements are sorted. If the object is a matrix,
these return a bool
indicating whether the elements are
sorted in each column (dim = 0
, default) or each row
(dim = 1
), and the dim
argument is
The sort_direction
argument is optional,
can be one of the following strings:
: the elements are ascending, consecutive
elements can be equal, and this is the default operation."descend"
: the elements are descending, and consecutive
elements can be equal."strictascend"
: the elements are strictly ascending,
and consecutive elements cannot be equal."strictdescend"
: the elements are strictly descending,
and consecutive elements cannot be equal.[[cpp11::register]] logicals is_sorted1_(const int& n) {
vec a(n, fill::randu);
vec b = sort(a);
mat A(10, 10, fill::randu);
writable::logicals res(4);
res[0] = a.is_sorted();
res[1] = b.is_sorted();
res[2] = A.is_sorted("descend", 1);
res[4] = A.is_sorted("ascend", 1);
res.attr("names") = strings({"a_sorted", "b_sorted", "A_descend",
return res;
and .is_trimatl()
are member
functions of Mat
and SpMat
returns true
if the matrix is
upper triangular (e.g., the matrix is square sized and all elements
below the main diagonal are zero) and false
returns true
if the matrix is
lower triangular (e.g., the matrix is square sized and all elements
above the main diagonal are zero) and false
[[cpp11::register]] logicals is_triangular1_(const int& n) {
mat A(n, n, fill::randu);
mat B = trimatl(A);
writable::logicals res(3);
res[0] = B.is_trimatu();
res[1] = B.is_trimatl();
res[2] = B.is_trimatu();
res.attr("names") = strings({"is_trimatu", "is_trimatl",
return res;
If these functions return true
, do not assume that the
matrix contains non-zero elements on or above/below the main diagonal.
It is possible to have an empty matrix (e.g., 0x0 as in the
is a member function of Mat
and SpMat
. It returns true
if the matrix is
diagonal (e.g., all elements outside of the main diagonal are zero). If
the matrix is not square sized, a std::logic_error
exception is thrown.
[[cpp11::register]] logicals is_diagonal1_(const int& n) {
mat A(n, n, fill::randu);
mat B = diagmat(A);
writable::logicals res(3);
res[0] = A.is_diagmat();
res[1] = B.is_diagmat();
res[2] = A.is_diagmat();
res.attr("names") = strings({"A_diagmat", "B_diagmat",
return res;
If this function returns true
, do not assume that the
matrix contains non-zero elements on the main diagonal only. It is
possible to have an empty matrix (e.g., 0x0 as in the examples).
is a member function of the
and SpMat
classes. It returns
if the matrix is square sized (e.g., the number of
rows is equal to the number of columns) and false
[[cpp11::register]] logicals is_square1_(const int& n) {
mat A(n, n, fill::randu);
mat B = diagmat(A);
writable::logicals res(3);
res[0] = A.is_square();
res[1] = B.is_square();
res[2] = A.is_square();
res.attr("names") = strings({"A_square", "B_square",
return res;
If this function returns true
, do not assume that the
matrix is non-empty. It is possible to have an empty matrix (e.g., 0x0
as in the examples).
is a member function of the
and SpMat
classes. It returns
if the matrix is symmetric (e.g., the matrix is square
sized and the transpose is equal to the original matrix) and
[[cpp11::register]] logicals is_symmetric1_(const int& n) {
mat A(n, n, fill::randu);
mat B = symmatu(A);
writable::logicals res(3);
res[0] = A.is_symmetric();
res[1] = B.is_symmetric();
res[2] = A.is_symmetric();
res.attr("names") = strings({"A_symmetric", "B_symmetric",
return res;
If this function returns true
, do not assume that the
matrix is non-empty. It is possible to have an empty matrix (e.g., 0x0
as in the examples).
is a member function of the
and SpMat
classes. It returns
if the matrix is Hermitian or self-adjoint (e.g., the
matrix is square sized and the conjugate transpose is equal to the
original matrix) and false
[[cpp11::register]] logicals is_hermitian1_(const int& n) {
cx_mat A(n, n, fill::randu);
cx_mat B = A.t() * A;
writable::logicals res(3);
res[0] = A.is_hermitian();
res[1] = B.is_hermitian();
res[2] = A.is_hermitian();
res.attr("names") = strings({"A_hermitian", "B_hermitian",
return res;
If this function returns true
, do not assume that the
matrix is non-empty. It is possible to have an empty matrix (e.g., 0x0
as in the examples).
and .is_sympd(tol)
are a member
function of the Mat
and SpMat
classes. It
returns true
if the matrix is symmetric/hermitian positive
definite within a tolerance (e.g., the matrix is square sized and all
its eigenvalues are positive) and false
otherwise. The
argument is optional, the default is
tol = 100 * datum::eps * norm(X, "fro")
and .is_zero(tol)
are a member
function of the Mat
, Col
, Row
, and SpMat
classes. It returns
if all elements are zero within a tolerance and
otherwise. For complex numbers, each component (real
and imaginary) is checked separately. The tol
argument is
[[cpp11::register]] logicals is_zero1_(const int& n) {
mat A(n, n, fill::randu);
cube B(n, n, n, fill::zeros);
sp_mat C(n, n);
writable::logicals res(3);
res[0] = A.is_zero(0.005);
res[1] = B.is_zero(0.005);
res[2] = C.is_zero(0.005);
res.attr("names") = strings({"A_is_zero", "B_is_zero", "C_is_zero"});
return res;
is a member function of the
, Col
, Row
, Cube
and SpMat
classes. It returns true
if all
elements are finite and false
[[cpp11::register]] logicals is_finite1_(const int& n) {
mat A(n, n, fill::randu);
cube B(n, n, n, fill::randu);
sp_mat C(n, n);
// Insert infinite values
B(0, 0, 0) = datum::inf;
C(0, 0) = -1.0 * datum::inf;
writable::logicals res(3);
res[0] = A.is_finite();
res[1] = B.is_finite();
res[2] = C.is_finite();
res.attr("names") = strings({"A_is_finite", "B_is_finite", "C_is_finite"});
return res;
is a member function of the Mat
, Row
, Cube
, and
classes. It returns true
if the object
contains at least one infinite value and false
[[cpp11::register]] logicals has_inf1_(const int& n) {
mat A(n, n, fill::randu);
cube B(n, n, n, fill::randu);
sp_mat C(n, n);
// Insert infinite values
B(0, 0, 0) = datum::inf;
C(0, 0) = -1.0 * datum::inf;
writable::logicals res(3);
res[0] = A.has_inf();
res[1] = B.has_inf();
res[2] = C.has_inf();
res.attr("names") = strings({"A_has_inf", "B_has_inf", "C_has_inf"});
return res;
is a member function of the Mat
, Row
, Cube
, and
classes. It returns true
if the object
contains at least one not-a-number (NaN) value and false
[[cpp11::register]] logicals has_nan1_(const int& n) {
mat A(n, n, fill::randu);
cube B(n, n, n, fill::randu);
sp_mat C(n, n);
// Insert NaN values
B(0, 0, 0) = datum::nan;
C(0, 0) = -1.0 * datum::nan;
writable::logicals res(3);
res[0] = A.has_nan();
res[1] = B.has_nan();
res[2] = C.has_nan();
res.attr("names") = strings({"A_has_nan", "B_has_nan", "C_has_nan"});
return res;
is not equal to anything, even itself.