We will estimate a Poisson Pseudo-Maximum Likelihood (PPML) model using the data available in this package with the idea of replicating the PPML results from Table 3 in Yotov et al. (2016).
This requires to include exporter-time and importer-time fixed effects, and to cluster the standard errors by exporter-importer pairs.
The PPML especification corresponds to:
We use dplyr
to obtain the log of the distance. This
model excludes domestic flows, therefore we need to subset the data also
with dplyr
Required packages:
We can use the fepoisson()
function to obtain the
estimated coefficients and we add the fixed effects as
| exp_year + imp_year
in the formula.
Model estimation:
fit <- fepoisson(
trade ~ log_dist + cntg + lang + clny + rta | exp_year + imp_year,
data = trade_panel
#> Formula: trade ~ log_dist + cntg + lang + clny + rta | exp_year + imp_year
#> Family: Poisson
#> Estimates:
#> | | Estimate | Std. Error | z value | Pr(>|z|) |
#> |----------|----------|------------|------------|------------|
#> | log_dist | -0.8216 | 0.0004 | -2194.0448 | 0.0000 *** |
#> | cntg | 0.4155 | 0.0009 | 476.0613 | 0.0000 *** |
#> | lang | 0.2499 | 0.0008 | 296.8884 | 0.0000 *** |
#> | clny | -0.2054 | 0.0010 | -206.3476 | 0.0000 *** |
#> | rta | 0.1907 | 0.0010 | 191.0964 | 0.0000 *** |
#> Significance codes: *** 99.9%; ** 99%; * 95%; . 90%
#> Pseudo R-squared: 0.587
#> Number of observations: Full 28152; Missing 0; Perfect classification 0
#> Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 11
The coefficients are almost identical to those in Table 3 from Yotov et al. (2016) that were obtained with Stata. The difference is attributed to the different fitting algorithms used by the software. Capybara uses the demeaning algorithm proposed by Stammann (2018).
fit <- fepoisson(
trade ~ log_dist + cntg + lang + clny + rta | exp_year + imp_year | pair,
data = trade_panel
summary(fit, type = "clustered")
#> Formula: trade ~ log_dist + cntg + lang + clny + rta | exp_year + imp_year |
#> pair
#> Family: Poisson
#> Estimates:
#> | | Estimate | Std. Error | z value | Pr(>|z|) |
#> |----------|----------|------------|---------|------------|
#> | log_dist | -0.8216 | 0.1567 | -5.2437 | 0.0000 *** |
#> | cntg | 0.4155 | 0.4568 | 0.9097 | 0.3630 |
#> | lang | 0.2499 | 0.3997 | 0.6252 | 0.5319 |
#> | clny | -0.2054 | 0.3287 | -0.6250 | 0.5320 |
#> | rta | 0.1907 | 0.7657 | 0.2491 | 0.8033 |
#> Significance codes: *** 99.9%; ** 99%; * 95%; . 90%
#> Pseudo R-squared: 0.587
#> Number of observations: Full 28152; Missing 0; Perfect classification 0
#> Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 11
The result is similar and the numerical difference comes fom the variance-covariance matrix estimation method. Capybara clustering algorithm is based on Cameron, Gelbach, and Miller (2011).